Worry Increases Pressure; Prayer Releases Peace


I recently read and love this saying:

“Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace.”

A weekend in the snowkissed mountains of the Poconos brought me closer to God. I solidified my relationship with Christ through fellowship, prayer, and prayer. That’s not a typo.

People say to me, all the time, “put it in prayer.” And I began to take heed to it. I prayed for family, friends, guidance through tough situations, and the like. Yet, I was lacking something in the prayer. Thankfully, I found it during the weekend in the mountains.

In a group of young adults and a few God-loving old folks too, we asked and invited the HS (Holy Spirit) to come into our place of worship. And what a difference that makes! The HS is the guest whom the prayer party doesn’t truly get started without. The presence of the HS made my prayers feel so complete. More, I didn’t feel as if I was whining about my woes to God, but rather listening to what He had to tell me- I’m all ears.

A result of this deepened prayer and conversation with God was and is peace. Peace that I had come before Him and laid my worries at his feet and wanted nothing in return, except that His will be done in my life.

Photo Credit: LJN 2013


New year, new blog because it’s the first great idea that popped into my head about an hour into the year.

Writing is kinda my thing.  I internalize great things, not-so-great things, and everything else.  And since these “things” ultimately must be expressed…I do best when I write.  

So here goes.  Like a fish to water, a bird singing it’s only song, I will write.   

I’ve just decided to go with it and just write.